Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!! I am soon going to get my sewing mojo back and therefor more blogging will be done! I had to show the cute little snowman I had made before christmas. He's got his jammies on and feeling kinda sleepy stifling a yawn. I used the pattern from one of my Tonne Finnager(spell?) books.

A update on Isabella and her Black Apple Doll I made her. Even though my husband AND her Daddy thought Rosie Posie was funny looking.....

Isabella loves her. Kisses :-)


Wendy said...

Hey Jill,Wendy here. (from the bathurst quilt guild)good to see you back on your blog. Like you I need my quilting mojo started. My machine is still packed up from the summer. I discovered your blog one evening while surfing. It was nice to catch up with you again. I have been away for almost 6 months because of a family emergency, and didn't know you had moved. We'll miss you at guild. ( and the Feb. retreat)I came a cross a blog and freebie you might be interested in. Thought I would pass it along.
Stay in touch and drop by my blog when you can.

Rondell said...

Why everybody gotta make they snowmen white? What's wrong with an African American snowman? Just add some food coloring or cocoa powder.

Kimberly said...

What sweeties! And my Julianna was almost an Isabella...

Have a wonderful weekend! Kimberly

onlymehere said...

And that's all that matters!

Jilly's Space said...

Wendy!!! What a nice surprise! I miss the guild and you girls so much! Hard to get motivated on my lonesome, lol
Kimberly, I have a friend who named her daughter Julianna..both sweet names.
Thanks as always for the nice comments :-)

Myra said...

Darling snowman in jammies, and Isabella and Rosie Posie are so cute together... 8-)

joan said...

Oh I love your snowman!I missed you! Glad to have you back in blogland!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So nice! She definitely looks so pretty and cute. How I wish I have a daughter like her. Hydroxycut reviews